Better luck next time!
DO NOT attempt to go back and give a different answer, or we will find your exact location and place secret cameras in your living space.
Then we will monitor your daily routine and secretly film it. The entire footage will be spliced up to include your most embarrassing moments edited together with humiliating sound effects and stock laughter.
It will air on our channel daily as a comedy show where a miserable loser of a person fails at everything they attempt, because that's who you are. You're just an unlucky loser.
You couldn't even answer a quiz correctly. I've reduced it to only three options, just for you! One third, and you fumbled it. There are billions of people in the world who could've answered correctly, and you're none of them.
We will watch you. We will laugh at you. You will see your face on TV and you won't be able to stand it. Eventually you'll want to disappear but I will have already bought out every advertisement to place your stupid mug all over them.
I will make sure your legacy will forever be tied to that single moment when you thought you could outwit Tenna.
Nothing will escape the peerless gaze of my cameras and CRTs.